Padoue et Venise, 6-7 mars 2023
6 March 2023
Sala Bortolami (Dissgea, Via del Vescovado 30, Padua)
14.30 Greetings and Introduction Andrea Caracausi and Elena Svalduz (University of Padua), Wellcome remarks Nicoletta Martorana and Stefano Agnoletto (Via Querinissima Association), Via Querinissima Initiative introduction
Session I
Chair: Miguel Taín Guzmán (University of Santiago de Compostela)
14.45-16.45: Giulia Becevello (University of Padua), The Via Flaminia as a route of cultural exchanges
Chiara Lo Giudice (University of Padua), “…grand et pittoresque manor”: Catajo Castle in the testimonies of travellers between the 17th and 19th centuries
Christianna Veloudaki (University of Edinburgh), Cross-cultural encounters and inter-faith relations in the Late Medieval Aegean: the double-apsed churches of Kythnos in the Western Cyclades
17.00-19.00: Rosario Chimirri (University of Calabria), Meijer Merel (Amsterdam University), Southern cities, towns and countryside: historic landscapes of Italy, ‘osmosis’ between East and West
Rachele Scuro (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Jewish-Christian encounters in Late Medieval and Early modern Veneto: between diversity and acculturation
Benedetto Ligorio (Sapienza University), Ethnic texture in south Adriatic in Late Renaissance: Apulia and Republic of Ragusa
7 March 2023
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Sale monumentali (Venice)
9.00-9.30: Visit to the Fra Mauro’s Mappamondo
9.30-10.00: Press Conference. Participants: Stefano Campagnolo (Director of Marciana Library), Roberto Ciambetti (President of the International Association via Querinissima and President of the Veneto Regional Council), Luisella Pavan-Wolf (Council of Europe)
Session II
Chair: Stefania Montemezzo (I Tatti – Harvard University)
10.00-11.30: Angela Pluda (Istituto A. Scarpa, Motta di Livenza/Oderzo), At school with Pietro Querini at the time of Covid
Rolv Petter Amdam (BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo), Trudi Henrydotter Eikrem (Volda University College), Bacalhao and regional identity: Norway – The Mediterranean tour and retour
Massimo Bustreo (IULM), Liuzza Marzia (IULM), Discovering European values through Pietro Querini’s journey
11.45-13.00: Steinar Aas (Nord Universitet), The discovery of Querini’s travel in the Norwegian public
Maria Stella Righettini (University of Padua), The sustainability of the historical legacy. The current challenges for ‘Via Querinissima’
Session III
Sala Stampa “O. Fallaci” of Veneto Regional Council, Palazzo Ferro Fini (Venice)
Chair: Elena Svalduz (University of Padua)
14.30-15.45: Miriam Tveit Jensen (Nord university), The Forbidden North? Trade routes and cultural encounters in ”the first sphere of paradise”
Gianantonio Urbani (University of Padua), Traveling and wandering in the Holy Land in “The Treaty of the Holy Land and the East by friar Francesco Suriano, missionary and traveler of the fifteenth century
16.00-17.15: Ludovica Galeazzo (University of Padua), Reframing Venice’s Archipelagic Thinking: The Early Modern Lagoon in a Digital Environment
Andrea Micheletti, Nicola Orio (University of Padua), The Travel Journal by Giovanni da San Foca
17.30-18.30 Round table: future perspectives. Chair: Andrea Caracausi (University of Padua), Silvia Beltramo (Politecnico di Torino), Miguel Taín Guzmán (University of Santiago de Compostela), Chiara Rabbiosi (University of Padua), Olga Wisniewska (Arts Council Norway)
The conference will take place in hybrid form. For the zoom link send an email to 24 hours in advance.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Christine Gadrat-Ouerfelli (8 mars 2023). Cultural encounters in 15th century Europe and beyond. Il ne scet rien qui ne va hors. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse