Un colloque va se tenir les 10 et 11 octobre prochains à Tübingen :
Marco Polo Research : Past, Present, Future
Programme :
Tue, 10.10.2017
8:00 Welcome Address by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Leonhardt, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Tübingen
Introduction Hans Ulrich Vogel, Ulrich Theobald
8:15-9:15 Past Researches, Current Work, and Future Investigations on the «Devisement du monde» of Marco Polo, Philippe Ménard
Coffee Break 9:15-9:45
- «Le Divisement dou monde»: Transmission and Stylistic Issues of the Text(s)
[Chair: Helen Wang]
9:45-10:15 The Textual Transmission of the «Devisement dou monde»: Old Problems and New Insights, Alvise Andreose
10:15-11:40 On the Way to an Integral Edition of the Book of Marco Polo: A First Attempt to Create a Digital Version, Eugenio Burgio, Mario Eusebi, Samuela Simion
Discussion (30 min)
12:15-14:15 Lunch Break at Vesuvio/Schnitzelmeister, Dorfstraße 1
[Chair: Michel Quereuil?]
14:15-14:45 “Déviations”: «Le Devisement dou monde» and the World Empire of Letters, Sharon Kinoshita
14:45-15:15 Who Read Marco Polo’s Book and why ? Christine Gadrat
15:15-15:45 The Illuminated Manuscripts: Words and Images in Establishing a Late Pattern of Perception of the Theme of Oriental Travelling, Marcello Ciccuto
15:45-16:10 Discussion (25 min)
Coffee Break 16:10-16:30
[Chair: NN]
16:30-17:00 Literary Styles in the «Devisement du Monde», Danièle James-Raoul
17:00-17:30 Persia – A Strategical Place in the «Devisement du monde»: Order and Disorder in the Progress of the Narrative, Michèle Guéret-Laferté
17:30-18:00 Exotism in Marco Polo’s Accounts, with a Focus on his Return from Asia, Dominique Boutet
18:00-18:30 Discussion (30 min)
Wed, 11.10.2017
Marco Polo, his Reports and his Time
Beginning: 9:00
[Chair: NN]
9:00-9:30 Marco Polo on Nestorianism, Tang Li
9:30-10:00 The Ancestors of Marco’s Marvels: Mirabilia mundi in Latin Travel Reports of the 13th Century, Johannes Gießauf
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
[Chair: NN]
10:30-11:00 On Yuan Dynasty Money, Helen Wang
11:00-11:30 The Military System of the Yuan Dynasty, Ulrich Theobald
11:30-12:00 Discussion (20 min)
12:00-14:00 Lunch break at Tulsi Palace, Wilhelmstraße 88
[Chair: NN]
14:00-14:30 Three Mongolian Toponyms of Marco Polo’s Cambaluc, Dang Baohai
14:30-15:00 On the Custom of Sexual Hospitality in Marco Polo’s the Description of the World Luo Wei
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
[Chair: Theobald]
15:30-16:00 Marco Polo’s Crouching Dragons and Hidden Tigers, Hans Ulrich Vogel
16:00-16.30 The Description of the City of Quinsai in the Early Tradition of the «Devisement dou monde», Guiseppe Mascherpa
16:30-17:00 Tibet in the Major Versions of Marco Polo, Michel Quereuil
17:00-17:30 Discussion (30 min)
Final Discussion Hans Ulrich Vogel, Alvise Andreose
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Christine Gadrat-Ouerfelli (5 octobre 2017). Marco Polo Research : Past, Present, Future. Il ne scet rien qui ne va hors. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/v94y