Archives mensuelles : août 2016

Manuscripts for travelers

Une des sessions de la 43rd Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies, qui aura lieu à la Vatican Film Library, Saint Louis University (St. Louis, Missouri) les 14-15 Octobre 2016 prochains, portera sur “Manuscripts for travelers”.

Elle comportera les trois interventions suivantes (avec leur résumé) :

  • Travelling Books in Byzantium: Is Size All that Matters?
    Barbara Crostini (Uppsala University)
  • In this paper, I would like to assess the criteria that lead scholars to state whether a certain book was destined to travel with its owner and indeed was originally created for such a purpose. Size is often the most striking factor in determining such judgments: but is a diminutive size the only, or even the most relevant, criterion for such retrospective assessments? My presentation will discuss one specific and I think very interesting case of a small Greek psalter, MS Bodleian Library, E.D. Clarke 15. In a recent article, Marc Lauxtermann has evaluated this psalter’s epigrams as witnesses to a spiritual journeying in terms that, he argues, match the travelling nature of this production, borne out of its small size. However ingenious this hypothesis sounds, the luxury quality of the manuscript, that emerges from many other characteristics, begs the question of whether size could alone account for such a use, and whether the metaphorical terms of the poems it contains must be related to physical journeying also. In examining this case, I will research a context for evaluating such conclusions from paleographical and codicological data in Greek manuscripts. Continuer la lecture

Un guide français de Terre sainte

Les éditions Classiques Garnier viennent de publier l’ouvrage suivant :

Gabriele Giannini, Un guide français de Terre sainte, entre Orient latin et Toscane occidentale, coll. Recherches littéraires médiévales n°21, Paris, 2016, 352 p.

D’après la table des matières disponible en ligne, l’auteur a mené ses recherches, à partir d’un manuscrit de Ferrare (Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea, II.280), sur un groupe de six manuscrits au total, contenant des textes apparentés. Après l’étude de ces manuscrits et la reconstitution de leur tradition, il nous en livre l’édition.