Les 6 et 7 juillet, se tiendra à Cambridge (Newnham College) un colloque intitulé
The Ottoman conquest and knowledge : a transcultural history
Il est organisé par Alexandra Vukovich et la faculté d’Histoire de l’University of Cambridge.
Argumentaire :
This conference focuses on networks, production, and transmission of knowledge during the Ottoman conquest of the eastern Mediterranean. The aim of this conference is to further our understanding of the ways in which knowledge was transformed, exchanged, diversified, expanded, and suppressed during the period beginning with the Ottoman conquest of the Eastern Mediterranean. The conference and the intended publication, it is hoped, will make an important contribution to the growing body of research that challenges long-held assumptions, prejudices, and misconceptions that the Ottoman Conquest of Byzantium and former Byzantine lands signalled the beginning of a ‘Dark Age’ of the production and exchange of knowledge.
The conference is meant to cover a broad geographical and disciplinary field. Each panel will focus on a different geographical area, with chronologically ordered papers to cover both diverse regions–Europe, the Near East, the Balkans, North Africa, and Muscovy–and a large number of historical questions regarding the effects of the Ottoman Conquest on written culture, book-learning, and the production of knowledge. The conference will engage substantially with questions concerning the mechanics of the transmission of knowledge: the transfer of books and texts from the Byzantine Empire to other parts of the world, the transformation of the built landscape, intermarriage and marriage alliances, exiles and refugees, and diplomatic exchange; and the production of knowledge: through cross-cultural exchange and dialogue, the production and recuperation of texts and written culture, the collection and recuperation of Byzantine learning and knowledge in the wake of the Ottoman Conquest, and the creation and function of networks of knowledge in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond. Continuer la lecture →