Archives mensuelles : décembre 2022

Social and individual spatial mobility

Vient de paraître:

Social and individual spatial mobility in late Medieval and Renaissance Croatia in European context, éd. Sabine Florence Fabijanec, Zrinka Novak et Zoran Ladic, Zagreb, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2022.

Après la préface, le volume comporte cinq sections:

I. The political side of spatial mobility

II. The religious side of spatial mobility

III. The Medieval and Renaissance travelogues: genres, theory, sources of information

IV. The almighty sea: safety, cohabitation and emotions on board

V. How Medieval Croatian scholars discovered the world

Premiers mots de la préface: “The phenomenon of spatial mobility of groups and individuals in the territory of what is today Croatia in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance period is still not sufficiently examined. Yet, the existence of numerous contemporary written, archeological, and visual sources enable the examination of various types of journeys of groups and individual travellers from various points of view.”